7 Ways to Spot Fraudulent Candidates

7 Ways to Spot Fraudulent Candidates

Remote work options and virtual hiring have brought great ease into the hiring process as employers now have easy access to talent pools around the world. Unfortunately, this opportunity has greatly increased the possibility of fraud. Recruiters across the country have experienced countless crazy stories involving fraudulent candidates.

Recruiting teams estimate that 15-20% of candidates are dishonest in the way they present themselves. This deception may involve inaccurate resume content, creating a perception they are a US candidate while working outside of the country or even working concurrently for multiple organizations.

The talent acquisition team at Skywalk Global has developed a few simple screening tips to help detect these fraudsters. These 7 tips are easy to implement and highly effective for your organization’s recruitment efforts.

Here are 7 key questions and indicators that help detect fraudulent candidates.

  1. Is the country of residence verified? – Before hiring candidates in a remote work set-up, the country of residence, should be verified. The best way to do that is by checking their travel history on the i94 website (https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/home) using the candidate’s passport number and date of birth. It is a sure-shot way to detect candidates living outside of the US while creating the perception they are working in the country.
  2. Is the candidate on LinkedIn? – Another great tip is to look them up on LinkedIn. Genuine job seekers would be present on LinkedIn with details that closely resemble their resumes. Also, check the recommendations, endorsements, and comments on their posts. Look at the number of connections on their profile as well and if they are a 10-year professional with 15 connections, it may be a sign the profile is not genuine. A good rule of thumb is to eliminate all candidates without a LinkedIn presence.
  3. Is a resume well formatted? – If a candidate’s resume is not formatted and utilizes different fonts or contains numerous spelling errors – it may be a big red flag. Fraudsters often copy-paste details and job responsibilities from the internet and overlook the finer details.
  4. Are there short job durations or employment gaps? – Candidates having a history of job-hopping with short durations across their resumes rarely transpire into rockstar candidates. Organizations find a way to retain good resources and while short durations for good candidates do occur, they are the exception and not the norm.
  5. Are there legit companies/clients listed on a resume? – A simple Google check on an organization’s registration number, registration date and physical address could validate whether the company is fake or not. Fake candidates often mention their consulting firms’ names or non-registered companies as their clients.
  6. Is a candidate moonlighting with two jobs? – There are a few ways recruiters can detect candidates unlawfully working two jobs. Checking references with the current employer is the safest approach but this may not always be an option. After a candidate is selected, it is important to request they update their LinkedIn within 2 weeks of starting their new opportunity. Remind them appropriately and if a candidate refuses, it is a red flag that he may be attempting to work for multiple opportunities simultaneously.
  7. Are you still unsure about finding genuine applicants? – In this scenario, the best tip is to utilize the services of staffing firm partners. Recruiting talent has always been challenging and in the virtual hiring process, it is more difficult than ever. Staffing firms can be great resources to help achieve your organization’s business goals by ensuring you hire genuine candidates.

Hope this checklist put together by Skywalk Global helps you identify fake applicants and find the right candidate.


Benefits of Information Technology Staffing Agency

Almost every business needs IT candidates. While there are IT companies and healthcare professionals or legal staff, the IT staff company is always better at finding the right person for the vacant IT position. If a company is looking for an IT specialist, why should it contact an IT staff company? What are the advantages of an IT staff agency over a typical employee firm?

Quick response

Institutions with information technology staff retain a collection of previously tested IT talents. When they receive a job offer, they send it to the recipient to match the needs and skills of one of the candidates. This helps them to find candidates faster. A typical staff agency may not be able to handle such a large group of IT professionals.


Specially trained employers                

It is not possible for a business to employ HR team members who are focused on all technologies. On the other hand, the IT staff agency has employers for certain technologies. Whether you are looking for technology specialists like PeopleSoft or Share Point, the staff agency has a specialized employer who is specially trained and looking to fill this vacancy.


Staff transfer

The service may decide to leave the company during the project. In such cases, IT staff companies can quickly provide a new IT member who not only matches the technical requirements of the project but also better suits the company’s work environment. Working with an IT staff firm helps to avoid slowing down the progress of the project even if the service goes off suddenly.


No wrong rent

A person who hires a staff agency has years of experience in recruiting and hiring IT professionals. The recruiter not only judges the technical knowledge of the selected person but also tries to determine his or her mental structure. He is trying to find out if the person being baptized will be comfortable and productive in a certain work culture. This greatly reduces the chances of unfair employment. Wrong employment costs time and money. Unfair employment can be reduced by working with a hiring firm.

It allows you to focus on the business

An employer can submit an advertisement for a job requirement and receive tons of vacancies. Accepting applications from untrained people will not help the employer. Instead they may spend time cultivating it using unsuitable resumes. Usually the hired company handles everything related to staff – submitting job requirements, reviewing CVs, exams, interviewing candidates and conducting skills testing. It frees up your time so you can focus more on what you do best – your business.

An experienced IT staff factory can make your search for the right person easier. It serves as a link between the demand and supply of skilled IT staff.

Siri is a veteran Human Resources at Skywalk Global, a company focused on IT employment. She has extensive experience and expertise in all areas of human resource development especially in the recruitment and retention of IT staff. For years IT companies have benefited from using her strategies and suggestions. She also writes staff education tips, institutions with information technology staff [https://skywalkglobal.net], labor companies and employers who use human resources.